C.R.O.W. a new partnership with NWA
NWA is proud to announce our new partnership with C.R.O.W.
There is a WAR in Africa between Poachers and Rangers.
On one side nearly endless resources coming from the Far East,
on the other mere will to protect WildLife.
[Andy Martin, C.R.O.W. Executive Director and Instructor]
As an educational NON-profit NGO, our main tasks are to EDUCATE the public on biodiversity conservation and to support both private and governments parks in the fight against poaching by providing 100% free of charge training, mentoring, equipment and trained international volunteers.
We all are volunteers who donate their time and money to protect our planet: each one with different background and experience, but everybody everyone offering his\her unique insights on Conservation and specific skill set to the parks in need.
Former Military\Law Enforcement personnel, EMTs and Security Contractors but also Firefighters, Biologists, and Doctors.
The fight for our planet will take all their combined knowledge to be effective and successful.
Our mission is to establish and train both Parks Rangers and International Volunteers to a set standard in the skills necessary to support and supplement anti-poaching and conservation efforts worldwide: a professional approach by specialized professionals is required to improve the terrible situation
By creating a pool of professionals with tested and effective Standard Operational Procedures, we are able to adapt and tailor solutions to Parks all over the world.
“The first such element is training, with over one-third of rangers (38 percent) indicating that the training they first received was inadequate to prepare them for the realities of their job. These findings clearly call for an urgent review and modification of ranger curricula, many of which are almost surely highly outdated and inadequate for the challenges faced by today’s rangers.”
Life on the Frontline, WWF Report 2018
Life on the Frontline, WWF Report 2018
I hope that you won’t stop writing such interesting articles. I’m waiting for more of your content. It’s so good that i’m going follow you!
Am Abdullahi Ahmad Yusuf.
Need to be a member in this C.R.O.W
Living in Nigeria.
Working at one protected Area Falgore Came Reserve Kano.